A common issue with older Angular versions was to automatically unsubscribe to RxJs subscriptions at the end of life of e.g. a Component. This is essential to avoid memory leaks and to prevent the application from slowing down over time.
Subscription array
Over many years a typical pattern was to collect subscriptions in an array and to unsubscribe to them in the Angular-"OnDestroy"-Lifecycle-Hook "ngOnDestroy".
Typical pattern is described below:
selector: 'app-array-example-component',
standalone: true,
imports: [],
templateUrl: './array-example-component.component.html',
styleUrl: './array-example-component.component.scss'
export class ArrayExampleComponentComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* DI
#activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
/** array of subscriptions registered and to be unsubscribed */
#subscriptions: Subscription[] = [];
* Angular lifecycle hook to initialize the component
ngOnInit(): void {
map(params => params.get('username')),
* Angular lifecycle hook to destroy the component
ngOnDestroy(): void {
this.#subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe());
What happens is:
- In the "ngOnInit" method, the subscription is created and added to the array "#subscriptions".
- In the "ngOnDestroy" method, the array "#subscriptions" is iterated and each subscription is unsubscribed.
Fine and save. But it is a bit cumbersome and error-prone. You may forget to add a subscription to the array or to unsubscribe to it in "ngOnDestroy".
The destroy-subject-Pattern
A more modern pattern is to use a "destroy$" Observable, which emits a value when the component is destroyed. This is a pattern used in some libraries as well.
selector: 'app-subject-example-component',
standalone: true,
imports: [],
templateUrl: './subject-example-component.component.html',
styleUrl: './subject-example-component.component.scss'
export class SubjectExampleComponentComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* DI
#activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
/** Destroy subject */
#destroy$ = new Subject<void>();
* Angular lifecycle hook to initialize the component
ngOnInit(): void {
map(params => params.get('username')),
* Angular lifecycle hook to destroy the component
ngOnDestroy(): void {
What happens is:
- In the "ngOnInit" method, the subscription is created and the Observable "#destroy$" is used to unsubscribe to it via the RxJs-Operator "takeUntil".
- In the "ngOnDestroy" method, the Observable "#destroy$" emits a value, which causes the subscription to be unsubscribed.
This pattern is more concise and less error-prone. But it is still a bit cumbersome and you need to remember to add the "takeUntil" operator to each subscription. And we also have to remember to add the "ngOnDestroy" method.
This patter requires the installation of the package "@ngneat/until-destroy". It is a decorator-based pattern, which is very concise and less error-prone. It is currently used in many projects. And it is our working horse in many projects. Save and reliable.
selector: 'app-ngneat-until-destroy-example-component',
standalone: true,
imports: [],
templateUrl: './ngneat-until-destroy-example-component.component.html',
styleUrl: './ngneat-until-destroy-example-component.component.scss'
export class NgneatUntilDestroyExampleComponentComponent implements OnInit {
* DI
#activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
* Angular lifecycle hook to initialize the component
ngOnInit(): void {
map(params => params.get('username')),
What happens is:
- The component is decorated with "@UntilDestroy()".
- In the "ngOnInit" method, the subscription is created. Within the RxJs pipeline, the RxJs-Operator "untilDestroyed(this)" is used to unsubscribe to it.
- No "ngOnDestroy" method is needed.
This pattern is the most concise and less error-prone. It is our preferred pattern in many projects. And we really like it.
The Angular takeUntilDestroyed-Pattern
This pattern is a bit different. It is a pattern, which is not based on a package, but on the Angular-Core. It started with Angular v17 and is based on the new Signal-Concept of Angular. It is a bit more demanding, but a nice alternative to the "@ngneat/until-destroy"-Pattern.
selector: 'app-take-until-destroyed-example-component',
standalone: true,
imports: [],
templateUrl: './take-until-destroyed-example-component.component.html',
styleUrl: './take-until-destroyed-example-component.component.scss'
export class TakeUntilDestroyedExampleComponentComponent implements OnInit {
* DI
#destroyRef = inject(DestroyRef);
#activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
* Angular lifecycle hook to initialize the component
ngOnInit(): void {
map(params => params.get('username')),
What happens is:
- The component receives 'destroyRef' from "DestroyRef" from "@angular/core" via dependency injection.
- In the "ngOnInit" method, the subscription is created. Within the RxJs pipeline, the RxJs-Operator "takeUntilDestroyed(this.#destroyRef)" is used to unsubscribe to it.
- No "ngOnDestroy" method is needed.
- All sounds good, but there is a caveat. If the Observable monitored has been delayed by e.g. the delay-Operator of RxJs or
, it may cause the errorNG0911: View has already been destroyed
. This is difficult to track, since the error cause may be in libraries used. We monitored this issue e.g. inregisterOnChange
methods of CVA-Components. If you encounter this issue, you should use the "@ngneat/until-destroy"-Package or explicit subscription management.
We think that the "@ngneat/until-destroy"-Pattern is currently the best pattern to automatically unsubscribe to Observables in Angular. It is concise and less error-prone. And it is our preferred pattern in many projects. In future, the Angular takeUntilDestroyed-Pattern may be a good alternative. It is based on the Angular-Core and does not require an additional package.
Thanks for reading.